Policy Actions

The Policy Actions page provides a place for you to select common underwriting actions to be applied to the current policy.

This page includes a Reinstate Policy button if the policy status is Cancelled.

To reinstate a policy:

  1. Click Reinstate Policy.

The Reinstate Policy page opens.

  1. Follow the steps to reinstate the policy.

To endorse a policy:

  1. Click Endorse Policy.

The Endorsement Information page opens.

  1. Follow the steps to endorse the policy.

To cancel a policy:

  1. Click Cancel Policy.

The Cancel Information page opens.

  1. Follow the steps to cancel the policy.

To set a policy for non-renewal:

  1. Click Set for Non-Renew.

The Request Non-Renewal  page opens.

  1. Follow the steps to non-renew the policy.

To Cancel/Rewrite a policy:

  1. Click Cancel Policy.

The Cancel/Rewrite Information page opens.

  1. Follow the steps to cancel the policy.

To generate a renewal quote:

  1. Click Generate Renewal Quote.

The ??? page opens.

  1. Follow the steps to generate a quote.


To set for underwriting review:

  1. Click ???

The ??? page opens.

  1. Follow the steps to ...