Licensed Producer: Basic Information

The authority to set up Licensed Producers requires a modernLINK Profile Administrator security profile.
Any text entered during a setup that is printed on a Dec page is printed as-is; be very careful with spelling and use of upper and lower case.

The Basic Information page provides a place for you to enter or edit  the preliminary business information of the Licensed Producer.

Click for Processing Tips

To enter Basic Information:

  1. Complete the Basic Information form.

Licensed Producer basic information includes:




Basic Information

Activation Date

Date the Licensed Producer is to be granted access to modernLINK. If today's date is entered, earliest possible access is the next day.


Producer Number

Number assigned to this LP. Any number can be used, so you can establish your own numbering convention. However, the number must be unique within a Contract Holder's hierarchy, i.e., for a given Contract Holder, two LPs cannot have the same number. Once the LP is activated, this number cannot be changed. To change the number for an LP that has been activated, you must terminate the LP and recreate it with a new number.


Is Licensed Producer a Direct Employee?

Select Yes for employees that are directly employed by the CH or SPO parent (direct employees cannot have their own children in the hierarchy). If you select Yes, the entity will be classified as a Licensed Employee. A Direct Employee automatically inherits all product authority from it's parent and the Product Authorization section is removed from the setup menu. (Underwriting authority can be removed by product in the modernLINK security setup.)

Select No if the LP is not a direct employee and is affiliated with the CH or SPO but does not have an agency license.


Is Licensed Producer allowed to set up Licensed Producers other than direct employees?

Indicates if an LP that is not a direct employee can have its own hierarchy in turn, with LPs or Processors that are its children.


Do you have a copy of the Licensed Producer's consent form?

If Yes is selected, the consent form must be faxed, mailed or e-mailed to American Modern Licensing and Contracts. If No is selected, request the form from


Web Site Address

URL for the LP's web site.

Termination Information

Cancel New Business Date

Read-only date, if LP terminated.


Termination Date

Read-only date, if LP terminated.


Termination Reason

Read-only reason from, if LP terminated.

Contact Information



Contact person's first name.



Contact person's middle initial.



Contact person's last name.


Job Title

Contact person's job title.


Email Address

Contact person's e-mail address.


Work Phone # (CC, Number, Extension)

Contact person's work phone number.


Fax # (CC, Number)

Contact person's fax number.


Work Phone #

Contact person's work phone number.


Fax #

Contact person's fax number.




  1. Click Save to continue, Cancel to abort.

The setup menu opens.

  1. For a setup, follow the steps to add producer licenses.