Endorsement Request: Policyholder Info Change

The Endorsement Request: Policyholder Info page enables you to add, update or replace policyholder information for the current policy.

To change policyholder info:

  1. Follow the steps to  search for and open the policy you wish to change.

  2. On the Policy Inquiry Summary page, click Request Change on the Policyholder Info tab.

  1. Complete the Policyholder Info Change form.

Policyholder Info includes:



First Name

Policyholder's first name.

Last Name

Policyholder's last name.

Home Phone

Policyholder's home phone number.

Work Phone

Policyholder's work phone number.

Address 1

Policyholder's mailing street address.

Address 2

Additional address or overflow information.


Policyholder's mailing address city.


Policyholder's mailing address state.

Zip Code

Policyholder's mailing address ZIP code.

Zip Code Suffix

Policyholder's four-digit mailing address ZIP code suffix.

Birth Date

Policyholder's date of birth.

Social Security Number

Policyholder's social security number.

Tax ID Number

Indicates that the policyholder's tax ID is used instead of their social security number.


Indicates the policyholder's occupation.

Marital Status

Indicates the policyholder's marital status.


Verify the entered information before clicking Verify & Continue. If you click the button and the information you entered is incorrect, you will have to delete the incorrect endorsement and generate a new one.

  1. Click Verify & Continue.

The Endorsement Request Summary page opens.

  1. Do one of the following:

  2. Submit the endorsement request

  3. Request additional changes

  4. Delete a change

  5. Cancel the endorsement request

To submit the endorsement request:

  1. Enter the Endorsement Effective Date.

  1. Complete the Submitter Contact Information form. Include any notes you may wish to share with a processor.

  1. Click Submit.

The endorsement request is submitted to a processor for review and the success message window opens.

  1. Click OK.

The Policy Inquiry Search page opens.

To request additional changes to the current policy:

  1. Click Additional Changes.

The Summary page opens and you can make additional changes.

  1. Click Verify & Submit when you finish making changes and then follow the steps above to submit the endorsement request for review.

To delete a change from the current endorsement request:

  1. Click Delete on the requested change tab.

The Endorsement Request Summary page is redisplayed minus the endorsement.

To cancel the endorsement request:

  1. Click Cancel on the page menu bar.

All endorsements you have entered are deleted and the Summary page for the current policy is redisplayed.

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